Monday, June 18, 2012

In 1976, I meet a wonderful young man. Of course then I didn't know how wonderful he would turn out to be.  He asked me to marry him four times before I accepted.  Marriage was a scary commitment.  It is to be life-long with no exceptions except death.  I wanted to be sure.

We married in 1977 and have grown closer to the Lord and each other through the years.  Some were very hard. Some were exciting.  All were learning experiences.  But we have learned most of all that we love each other without exception.

We have four wonderful children.  They are all adults now of course.  But they all love the Lord.  They have given us seven beautiful grandchildren to love here on earth and a few already in Heaven.

Through the 35 years we have been together, Mike and I have seen many things.  Health, sickness, loss, tragedy, fun, friends, more family, and through it all, a peace from God.

There are many things I wish were health most of all.  And some of the past.  But, since I can't change any of that, I can look to the future of many more happy years together.  Mike is the love of my life.  He is  my best friend, lover, partner, father of my children, husband, pastor, and so much more.

I pray my children will have the same kind of love for their spouses that we have for each other.

God Bless.

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