Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's a Small Small World!!!

For the second time in 4 short months I have discovered just how small this old world is. And how wonderful God is to throw surprises in our paths.

I grew up in Columbus, Ohio. I went to church at Columbus Baptist Temple. I knew almost everyone there. I still keep in touch with some of the folks even though I am in Oklahoma now. I went to college at Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Mo. Ok, to get to my point, while in OH and at college I babysat for Larry and Marsha Lindsey. They had 2 boys, David and Timothy. This was decades ago. My hubby and I have moved 23 times in 31 years to 5 states.

This last week we were attending an OBBF preachers' meeting in Edmond, OK. The first speaker was introduced as Tim Lindsey. I thought to myself..."could it be the same? He is about the right age." I paid close attention as he told about himself. "YES" it was the same Tim Lindsey. How exciting!

Now, I know, he thought I was this crazy woman. I introduced myself and told him how I knew him. Of course he wouldn't remember because he was so young the last time I saw him. Now he has a teenage daugther! I just had to give him a hug. I insisted on taking a picture too! So now I am sure he must have gone home and told his wife about this crazy pastor's wife he met.

Anyway, this is the second time God has sent someone across my path to show how small a world it is. I will tell you about the other one later. It is good too!

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