I was working with 12g copper wire last night. I have the pieces almost ready to be tumbled then photographed. I decided to just make a couple of freeform wire bracelets. I pounded the copper until I thought my arm would fall off. But it's a good workout!
I also made a copper heart. I pounded it and am in the process of adding pearls to one side. This will make someone a really nice pendant! Valentine's Day is coming up very soon!
So, you need to check my shops on a regular basis to see what has been added! http://www.fancyfashions.artfire.com
I am hoping my blog will be a blessing not only to me, but to others as well. I hope to blog about my faith in God, my jewelry, and even include blogs from others that I feel will be beneficial to you.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Two posts in one day!
In keeping with the theme of many Etsians, I have a few Pink items in my shop.
http://www.etsy.com/listing/28938872/delicate-pink-and-white-bracelet This is a delicate pink and white bracelet made with porcelain beads.
http://www.etsy.com/listing/32732215/pearl-ring This ring is made for the hand of your little Princess. It can also be made to fit the Queen of the Manor! Just email me the size(s) you want!
Here is another ring made with a cranberry colored freshwater pearl.
http://www.etsy.com/listing/14921051/spring-flowers-bracelet The focal of this beautiful pastel bracelet is a lampwork bead made by the Artisan, http://www.lajewelrydesigns.com/.
I hope you've enjoyed looking at these pieces! I certainly enjoyed making them!
Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know you stopped by!
http://www.etsy.com/listing/28938872/delicate-pink-and-white-bracelet This is a delicate pink and white bracelet made with porcelain beads.
http://www.etsy.com/listing/32732215/pearl-ring This ring is made for the hand of your little Princess. It can also be made to fit the Queen of the Manor! Just email me the size(s) you want!
Here is another ring made with a cranberry colored freshwater pearl.
http://www.etsy.com/listing/14921051/spring-flowers-bracelet The focal of this beautiful pastel bracelet is a lampwork bead made by the Artisan, http://www.lajewelrydesigns.com/.
I hope you've enjoyed looking at these pieces! I certainly enjoyed making them!
Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know you stopped by!
New Look!
I did a little playing around with the appearance of my blog page. I think it looks a lot more inviting and positive. What do you think? Please leave a comment so I know you have stopped by!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Playing with Copper Sheet
Last week I bought a small piece of copper sheet from the hardware store. I also picked up supplies to do a little etching. I found out a few things as I played with both.
1. This particular sheet is the wrong gauge for what I want. It is too thin. But it is the only gauge at the store. Now to shop around until I find what I am looking for.
2. I need much better metal snips. The ones I am using (hubby's) are too ragged in the cutting. The edges are very rough. I know a hydraulic press would be great, but that is not it the budget right now.
3. I love using the sharpies as a resist. The finer point sharpies don't offer enough resist to suit me though. I may just need to go over it a 2nd time. I do want to try the PnP (press and peel paper). 4. My drawing skills leave a bit to be desired. Maybe with some practice on paper I will do a better job.
5. The acid bath was easy to use. I would like to try the D battery and salt water, but that will be later. I have plenty of the acid on hand. I tend to use up the old before buying new.
I am really having fun with the copper though. So I am going to continue playing and creating with it. For now I need to improve my tools, drawing ability and clean up my space. I also need to re-organize my studio. I did that last year, but that was before I was using a torch. The acid bath is done in the garage and I would like a small spot for that out there. I am just not sure Mike would be willing to allow me a small spot!
When I have a piece finished completely, I will post it in my shops.
http://www.fancyfashions.etsy.com or http://www.fancyfashions.artfire.com
Stay tuned for more fun with copper!
1. This particular sheet is the wrong gauge for what I want. It is too thin. But it is the only gauge at the store. Now to shop around until I find what I am looking for.
2. I need much better metal snips. The ones I am using (hubby's) are too ragged in the cutting. The edges are very rough. I know a hydraulic press would be great, but that is not it the budget right now.
3. I love using the sharpies as a resist. The finer point sharpies don't offer enough resist to suit me though. I may just need to go over it a 2nd time. I do want to try the PnP (press and peel paper). 4. My drawing skills leave a bit to be desired. Maybe with some practice on paper I will do a better job.
5. The acid bath was easy to use. I would like to try the D battery and salt water, but that will be later. I have plenty of the acid on hand. I tend to use up the old before buying new.
I am really having fun with the copper though. So I am going to continue playing and creating with it. For now I need to improve my tools, drawing ability and clean up my space. I also need to re-organize my studio. I did that last year, but that was before I was using a torch. The acid bath is done in the garage and I would like a small spot for that out there. I am just not sure Mike would be willing to allow me a small spot!
When I have a piece finished completely, I will post it in my shops.
http://www.fancyfashions.etsy.com or http://www.fancyfashions.artfire.com
Stay tuned for more fun with copper!
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